Wednesday, December 30, 2009

goodbyes - part 1

this post is long overdue
but as they say, "better late than never", right?

i'm not good at saying goodbye
and i'd usually would like to avoid saying such things
but there are things you just cant avoid

goodbye Batch!! i'm gonna miss you loads dowhh
already missing u laa
kalo x jumpe pon, ko akan kacau aku di alam maya
most of the time, ko sgt annoying
kadang2 aku logout dr fb or ym saje je nak lari drpd ko (haha ok tipu je. aku malas nk logout sbb nanti kene login kalo aku rajin, mmg aku sanggup bwat camtu.hahahah)

sry kalo slalu ter-emo dgn ko
aku xtau kenapa, tp ko sorg je yg slalu kena ke-emo-an aku
ahahahaha mungkin sbb ko sorg je yg rajin jd planner..haha
weii, xde org lg nak jd planner dowhh utk lepak2 kat subang!

subang will never have a replacement for u
someone who is so freaking lazy to walk and asik demand park dekat2
someone who can tolerate my emo-ness
someone who is always free for a lepak, regardless of where and when
someone who stalks other ppl and shares the information
someone who asik mintak jln jauh2 tp xnk bg duit minyak n tol
someone who i can talk to about anything and is always there to lend an ear
but most importantly, someone who is as a great fren to me as u. =/

ur a great friend dowh. n walaopon ko akan balik kuantan, tp still ketiadaan mu di subang adelah terasa.haha

make, cepat laa dapatkan internet
bodo gile jb xde internet
malu weii!
ahahahah =P

p/s, ko tau x aku amik nombor hotlink baru ni semate2 utk kau??!?!?
(ok again, tipu je. aku malas topup

rindu kau laa minah yg sentiasa free! ahahahahaah


sudu said...

ok sedih aku baca

Arina Honey said...

old town white coffee pekat ar !

Basirah Borhanuddin. said...

okaaay sedihh weh! kenape kau begitu sweet di sini.
terharu! :(

maliQ said...

haha "sweet" laa aku rase aku menyindir byk je..wakakakakak XD

Annis Natalia Abdul Hamed Shah said...

omg. knape laaa ko suke buat post yg sedih2 ni maliq. mmg nak kena laa kan.

maliQ said...

hahaha sedih sgt ke?
ke sedih gile babi sbb its coming from me?