Sunday, September 28, 2008

music of the week; part 2

so here goes my current obsession, the tunes that i've been listening to over and over again
if u haven't heard of it, do download. they're AWESOME

- Jason Mraz - Plane
- Lady Gaga - Just Dance
- Gary Jules - Mad World
- Secondhand Serenade - Fall For You

and since this post is done like 2 days before the 1st of Syawal, how bout some Raya songs to put us in the mood for Raya =D. these are my favorite lagu2 raya. i think they're the best lagu raya ever - hands down! and no new dumb supposedly-up-to-date raya song is gonna beat it - period.

- Anuar & Elina - Suasana Hari Raya
- M Nasir - Suatu Hari di Hari Raya
- Faridah Joned - Selamat Hari Raya
- P Ramlee - Dendang Perantau
- Saloma - Selamat Hari Raya
- Sanisah Huri - Aidilfitri


sudu said...

dedamn u.
ade masalah dgn aku ke?
y is there no songs by siti in ur raya song list???

=( putus kawan

maliQ said...

lagu2 tu adelah A-list lagu rayas

lagu siti iaitu sesuci lebaran tergolong dlm B-list
paling tinggi pon B+-List
aahahahah XD

sudu said...

sumpah retak weh

aliah kama said...

lagu baru sume tak best!
eh2.kt sokong list ne!

Basirah Borhanuddin. said...

lagu raye paling2 gile ak suke is rahimah rahim nyanyi.
mcm indah & bahagia :)
heheh. pnah dgr lagu hr raye grup cenderawasih nyanyi? lg lame. try crk dan dgr.

r a y z i n i e said...

oi.nice blog.haha.long tyme no see or meet or whutever.haha.lama x lepak ngan putrajaya freaks. (antaranya u lah kot)
btw visit lah blog aku yg x seberapa.haha.